Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Steps Day 14 –Fantastic Review

Baby Steps Day 14 –Fantastic Review

There are many beautiful blogging babes that write wonderful posts on how to be organized, how to clean the home, how to menu plan, how to schedule the day….and so many are awesome!
My approach to this whole subject of home keeping and food and cleaning and order and schedules is to look at the BIGGER PICTURE: not just the home stuff but the heart stuff too.

The goal in this is NOT to just keep the home, make great meals, have obedient children and a great schedule that would make any soccer mom sweat – it IS to live with The Simple Home Principles and to CREATE SANCTUARY.

I’ve been building – taking baby steps with this subject. I’ve been trying to create a picture – a BIG PICTURE – to encourage you to look at the why of what you get to do in an attempt to stir you up to evaluate some of your what.

Today, I want to take a second look at the building material I use and have been encouraging you to use too. God calls us home builders (Proverbs 14:1). We can be wise or foolish. Let’s be wise and review together.

Step 1 – The Key Point:
Becoming an On-Purpose Home Keeper has everything to do with our attitudes,what we value and what we think about marriage, being moms and the value we give in taking care of our homes. Those heart issues determine how we become on-purpose home keepers who delight in the home, managing it well and stewarding the gift of time.

Creating sanctuary isn't just about the task of keeping an orderly home or having a meal planned and prepared. It's about those tasks (responsibilities) AND the relationships.

Step 2 – The Key Point:
Evaluating Sanctuary Robbers

Step 3 – The Key Point:
The marriage and it’s relationship to Becoming an On-Purpose Home Keeper.

Step 4 – The Key Point:
The Home – to be a place set apart.
AHHH . . . wouldn’t it be nice to have some order and peace in the home?
Chaos and confusion tear a home down.
The concept of applying the Simple Home Principles.

Step 5 – The Key Point:
My e-book give away :-)

Step 6 – The Key Point:
My attitude and steps and the A (assess) B (become Biblical) C’s (Character over Convenience) of rebuilding my home front.

Step 7 – The Key Point:
This Baby Step topic addresses one more reason why a woman would want to become purposeful as a home keeper – reap reward as a home keeper and find joy as a home keeper so that sanctuary can be created.

Step 8 – The Key Point:
THIS subject has to do with your man's vision and how to get behind a man who seems as if he has no (clarified) vision.

Step 9 – The Key Point:
Becoming a Master Builder - Things to Think About When Building a Home and how a woman can build her home and how she can tear it down with those sanctuary robbers.

Step 10 – The Key Point:
What I want is for women to think about building a home, creating sanctuary in the home and then managing the Simple Home.

Becoming a purposeful home keeper is what we’re after and using the 8 P31 Principles are key steps to begin to build, to create and to learn to (daily) manage.

Step 11 – The Key Point:
Think about WHAT you want your home to "look" like - orderly, clean, peaceful, good (and nutritious) smells from the kitchen, restful in the (master) bedroom, comfortable?

Think about all the things that are important to you and important to your husband. What has he said or perhaps made little comments about (the home) that you know are important to him?

Step 12 – The Key Point:
I’ve always taken advantage to learn from older women who discipled,/mentored me and who where womanly role models.

There’s one gal in particular that I put toward the top of my mentor/role model list. She’s the one whose husband had a lot of confidence in her (it says she enriched his life) and she’s the one who knew the secret to battle fear – work hard and laugh at the future.

This gal’s story is written in just about the middle of my Holy Book. Her name is Mrs. P31 Woman. She was an on-purpose home keeper. She was clear on WHAT she wanted her home to be like and how she wanted to manage her home. She knew what it would take to have her household run smoothly. She was a CENTERED WOMAN and she was purposeful in attending to the affairs of her home. I truly believe that her heart of honor toward her husband was center in her being such an amazing woman.

Step 13 – The Key Point
Time frames come packaged for us in years, seasons, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes. Learning from one woman’s use of time.

I believe that every Purposeful Home Keeper needs to create a Simple Home Planner that has this theme (or something like it) on the cover:

The Simple Home ~ Keep it Simple, Make it Simple and Simplify.
Baby Steps will be back on Monday - I'm headed to France again - on Friday. But, if you're serious about Becoming a Purposeful Home Keeper who builds and creates sanctuary using the Simple Home Principles and the P31 Woman Principles (more on those days to come days) . . .you've got some good review for the next two days. Have a great weekend - see you Monday.
I do promise to post my France pics from Wednesday - later on today. It was wonderful!
Creating a Simple Home Planner
There IS an army of feminine women returning to the place that Centers a woman!

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