Wednesday, June 18, 2008

character over convenience - in marriage

I spoke at a women's workshop back in March of 2006 and the following is a segment of my message entitled: Rebuilding the Home Front.

. . . I can remember the day that I had the awakening that marriage wasn’t about me getting my needs met – it was about me becoming like Jesus in His character – it was about growing and learning about God’s ways and discovering how putrid my own were.

See marriage is all about character – it’s about being refined and giving and dying and loving and serving.

It’s about a ministry of love to a mighty man in the making. It’s about being there for him, when he isn’t there for you. It’s about showing him respect when he’s not worthy of it.

It’s about learning to listen to the heart of a man who is afraid to reveal his continuing sense of insecurity and failure. It’s about following a man who isn’t really sure where he’s going and not too sure what it will look like when he arrives.

It’s about learning to build a man up and esteem him when you’re not wanting to. It's about making him a priority when you don't feel like it.

It’s about honoring your man as the king of your home so that one day…he’ll rise up to being the king. It’s about helping your husband when he needs help . . . not mothering, but helping . . .

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Anonymous said...

I love this post. With a husband in seminary, who has a heart for the world to see is often that I find myself just watching him, waiting for him...not really actively participating in the calling on his life or I should say the vision God has given him for our family. This must change.

Being a husband is a great responsibility. I am wondering today if I make the responsibility heavy or light.

Thanks for this series and your sweet email.

Ronel said...

How did you know this is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am really struggling in my marraige. I actually just bought "Prayers for Your Mighty Man".. haven't started it yet but really praying for some guidance and insight. I would actually love to do the study as a small group, can I still get the book on listening because I bought the book?

Thanks again,
Ronel Sidney

Lylah Ledner said...

hi lovely rebecca and lovely mrs. sidney. just a tender heart felt thanks for your comments. i'm thankful that what i write can touch and change a heart. one thing i know - is that God works in the heart of a woman first...and her humble and gentle influence will then work in the head of a man. may He find you resting in His trust today.

oh...mrs sidney...i'm gifting you a copy of my Coffee Talk book - learning how to's in your inbox...blessings...

Ronel said...

Words can't describe how thankful I am for your gift. Thank you so much. I will be sure to share my progress with you. I have also bookmarked your blog and will be sure to stop by often.

Thanks again,