Monday, February 18, 2008

Seems Like Sex is On a Few Wives Minds

Spring fever is in the air - a few (wives) moms are thinking (and posting) about SEX. Jess at Making it Home writes about being sexy for your husband and Fussypants writes: "Go ahead lock the bedroom door, forget your obsession with the size of your behind and have some fun. You are married after all, enjoy yourself. We all feel happier and more connected with regular lovin?"

Apparently regular lovin' will help keep the emotional connection strong and it will lengthen your husband's lifespan. I'll let you be the judge if you choose to share this research study with your other half.

"A study shows that men who have three or more orgasms a week are 50 percent less likely to die from coronary and the rest you can read here.

As the seasoned woman of these two (ahh . . hem) I would add these thoughts to consider:
1. Sex starts in the kitchen and the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Make soup and make cookies.
2. Treat him like a king. Create romantic at the table. I love what Amy did here.
3. Listen to him. Don't assume you know what this man is thinking or feeling or wants. Listen!
4. Make him your priority. I know this is a (at times) a task. You're tired, overwhelmed, emotionally spent and to make him the priority seems nuts. It's in those very moments that perhaps we need grab God's grace, slow down, and turn toward him.
5. Create sanctuary in your bedroom.
6. Attend to your feminine soul.
7. Reflect on why you married him and what it was that drew you to him.

So, I'd love your thoughts . . . what should 8, 9 and 10 be?

Related Posts
1. A Little Love Story
2. Some of the Things Michael and I Do For Fun
3. Steps to Sexual Intimacy
4. Marriage Matters

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Anonymous said...

Feeding him cookies doesn't exactly go with fighting heart disease with orgasms ;) LOL!

Lylah Ledner said...

leslie...that's funny! thanks for the comment.

Jess Connell said...

Thanks for the link! ;)

I would maybe add something like:
* be willing to try something in the bedroom that's totally new or different and see what happens!

* Seek him out for intimacy! (like the woman in Song of Solomon who was lying on her bed and decided to seek out the one she loved)

* Pray before, during, and/or after your time together and bring God into that intimate time together. (It sounds crazy, but it actually DOES make it all the more enjoyable and rich!)

Thanks again for linking to Making Home-- we'll be talking about "sexiness" for a while, so come visit again! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jess...
pray together.
play together (in the bedroom)
practice together ( things get better the more we try.)
love all this sex talk. God wants our life to be full of all the good things He has given us. not just some.