Friday, June 20, 2008

diffusing bombs in a marriage

This is an excerpt from a teaching I gave a number of years ago entitled:

Bombs in Your Marriage.

. . . Marriage is a God-given way for a man and a woman to face themselves. The challenges of marriage can make us into amazing people with God-like character – if we let it.

Marriage – requires hard work and maintenance so that emotional intimacy between a husband and a wife can be realized.

It’s those unresolved issues that rob us of sweet marital intimacy. When unresolved issues don’t get addressed and resolved – they become like a "bomb" in the marriage. Periodically these "bombs" blow up causing all sorts of destruction, wounds, walls and distance.

Each "bomb" has a fuse and when a husband and wife takes time to discover the fuses and work on getting rid of those fuses - a few less bombs would go off.

It’s ideal that a husband and wife would look together –but if that doesn’t happen – you as a wife - can take some prayerful time with the Lord - get understanding about the possible fuses in your marriage and get some God-given de-fuse the bomb in your marriage.

God looks for one willing spouse . . . is that you?

I'm taking a sabbath computer rest until Monday - see you then. In the mean time, I'd love to hear how this post has helped you!

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