Friday, December 21, 2007

Today, I celebrate 2 Special People - My Husband and My Mom

How cool is it to be able to celebrate two for one? What I mean, is that that my darling husband and my dear mother were born on the 21st of December. God saw fit to gift the earth with two people that mean the world to me.

In this post, I celebrate my mom, because she's a gift to me. Not only did she choose to give me live, but often she gave her life for me.

A gift my mom gave me was a love of home.
In spite of years of her working (waitressing, Hughes Aircraft and other odd jobs), my mom would have rather been at home. I remember how hard it was for her to get up and leave early in the morning or late at night to go outside her home and work. My mom valued home.

Another gift my mom gave me was insisting that I (the only daughter) spend time in the kitchen with her. I'm so thankful for this gift. I remember lots of kitchen time, baking cookies for holidays, soups for cold days, making spice cakes, cream puffs, eclairs and of course big dinners of goolash (a cheap, good meal for a big family), chili, roasts, chicken and dumplings and stews. One meal Mom made that I still salivate over is her Pork and Sauerkraut with mashed potatoes. No one can make that like my mom.

Mom gave me another gift. Being a working mom, it would have been easy for her to not cook and let us kids and my dad fend for ourselves, but she didn't. The gift mom gave me was the value of a home cooked meal and dinner as a family around the meal table. Not only was there meal from scratch (no boxed stuff in our house), but mom always found time to decorate her table according to the holiday.

Meals around the table weren't always the most peaceful, with three younger brothers, but it didn't matter, because my mom and dad were all about family. Dad sat at the head of the table and my mom sat to his left. I'll always remember that picture.

Another gift mom gave me was one of having a good laugh. My mom grew up with a lot of pain, and yet, in spite of that, she could always make us laugh. She still does. My daughters and I enjoy the "giggly-laughter" times with my mom.

I remember one time, in Texas, I went out in the country to buy two goats. My old Toyota had a gas leak or something and in order for it to keep going, I needed to pump the gas peddle continually. Mom was with me and she knew that my foot was giving out. If I quit pumping the accelerator, we would have stalled - out on some country road, with two goats in the back seat. Not a good thing

Well, my sweet mom, (while sitting in the passenger seat) reached her left foot over and took over the pumping. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard; two laughing ladies, two goats in the back seat, and old beat up putt putt of a car, chugging on down some lonely Texas back road.

My mom also gave me the gift of showing compassion. She modeled for me a woman who felt deep compassion for the hurting, the down and outer and the one in need. Both my parents did that. Mom also gave me the gift of being a giver. Not only did she have compassion, but she would be moved to give out of that compassion.

I could write 1000 pages about my mom and never complete them - so for time and space sake, I'll end by saying, "Mom, today, I celebrate you. I'm thankful God chose me to be your daughter. And, in spite of space and distance between us, I'm thankful I still have you. I know one day I won't. Candace just finished a book and she quotes a section on her blog - which I'll repeat here:
"Mom, I whispered.
I hadn't said it in so long.
When death takes your mother, it steals that word forever."
(for one more day by Mitch Albom)

Candace writes: I am finishing up this book for our December book group discussion. These three sentences, really the last one, hit me hard and gave me reason to stop and think about its truth. For a moment, I felt pain at the realization that that could ring true for me somday.

Death steals something and creates a loss when we lose the earthly presence of the person.

My hope and peace lies in the knowledge that because my mom and I know Jesus, forever is not eternity. Even still I never want that word stolen from me. I am reminded to love her well; to live a life without regrets.
I love you MOM - Happy Birthday!

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Unknown said...

Your post made me cry!! THat was so sweet! Happy Birthday Lylah's Mom!!!

A Marriage After His Heart said...

Happy Birthday Lylah's mom! Thanks for raising such a beautiful, wise, and gracious daughter! God Bless you to celebrate many more memories with your mom!

ps: the goat and toyota is a priceless story!!! too funny!

Anonymous said...

You are a great inspiration for me. I love your love for children and how you see through their eyes. That is my heart also. Children are an amazing blessing to us from the Lord. We are so unworthy of their innocent love for us and the joy they bring to our days. (i.e. adult children too!).

Your tribute to your mom blesses her heart I am sure.

Thank you so much for sending me your bible study "Prayers for Your Mighty Man". I have never gone through a bible study that was more practical to my life. It touches down deep in those places where we do not want to admit we are sinning. (right where God looks). :) Are you going to print this? I wish I had copies to pass out to all of my friends.

I am going to be 50 next year and it is hard to find any women now a days, who have gone before me--that I can gleen wisdom and encouragement from. (LOL even our church paster's wife is only 28!) I know that age is not the defining factor but when the Lord has put many around me that I can be a Titus 2 help to, it is also good to be encouraged from those that have gone before.


Lylah Ledner said...

Hi Tiff ....ahhhh....glad you got touched :-)

And, dear Bride in Waiting...thanks for the sweet post. I asked my mom (who lives in Texas) to read them.

Hey Gail, wow woman, thanks for such kind words. i'm delighted that PPMM. The original PPMM is in print and we've got a few copies left. The new PPMM (which is what you have) will be available in about 3 weeks. You can email me for more info...

blessings! lylah