Thursday, December 13, 2007

How God Built Girls (Women)

Family Systems and Dad's Building Blocks
God built girls to be loved, nurtured, doted on, cared for and kissed and cuddled a lot. He built little girls to need hugs and tender mom touches. He built little girls to need to hear words like, “I love you my precious, darling princess and I’m so proud of you.”

He built little girls to be held on laps, taken for walks, and hear talks about God and how good He is. He built little girls to be protected and provided for (food, shelter, clothes, education). He built little girls to feel cared for and to be spoken gently too. He built little girls to LOVE being a girl!

Good Mothering
Good mothering gives little girls a needed foundation to love being a girl. God wants moms to provide the secure, nurturing place for her little daughter so she can grow up and feel secure and know that it’s wonderful being FEMALE. You'll know if it's happened because of the sparkle in the eye. (This is my 3rd granddaughter.)

Culture tries to make it not so wonderful—but God says it is. Culture has distorted the beautiful image of being a woman. Fashion magazines, TV and things like that give an “impression” that is damaging.

If you have daughters, what impression are you giving them? If you have sons how are you modeling being a Biblical woman? In what ways are you modeling respect?

Missing Blocks & Shame . . .
Too bad... some girls just don’t know how special they are because their mom or dad never told them they were . . . or someone told them they were stupid, or ugly . . . or a little fat . . . too short . . . or simply just not good enough . . . or maybe mom or dad were simply silent.

The family system was shame-based—and behaviorally oriented—love and acceptance was based on what the girl did or didn’t do. But God’s opinion is different. And, He’s the final say so—He’s the authority—because HE made US!

It really doesn’t matter what anyone else says about YOU—it matters what God says about YOU because He’s the ONE who created you...He had the first thoughts about you and designed YOU to bear His Image and to have a real relationship with Him (and others)...and He made YOU incredibly special.

There comes a point in a woman's life where she must see that she IS a treasure - God's treasure and she must take away the authority that she gave to others to define her . . . that authority that doesn't line up with what God says. Brides (married or not) need to do that.

Image . . .
Women that struggle in knowing they are a 10 or like I say, "The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!" will not walk like a 10. Men with wrong motives will see that and take advantage of that. know what I mean.

A lot of women seem to struggle with body image. Thoughts of size 0 perfection, flawless faces, no gray, California babe and lustful voluptuousness can gnaw at an American woman’s mind descending her to a pit of shame for not measuring up—to what? - to whose yardstick? - media? - immature men? - a father’s critical words—a mother wanting her daughter to be “perfect” so she (the mother) will “seem perfect” to others? It's an issue of authority.

Body image (for a woman) is a mind thing—not a body thing. Media and other voices seek to distort true beauty. True beauty is that which comes from a woman’s soul—and it’s a work of God in that woman. Without digressing into eating disorder issues or other body image perfection additions—please consider the wonderful realities that no matter what we THINK of our body image—God says we were fearfully and wonderfully made. It was in the secret place of our mother’s womb (Psalm 139) that He carefully and specifically knit us together. We are awesome image bearers of God and He delights in us.

Did you ever think of it this way: when a woman doesn't see herself as God's awesome and beautiful creation, she is insulting her Creator. It's like saying, "O' Creator, You did a poor job here." So, let's not insult our Creator. He only does great work.

The Song of Solomon is a good book to read. The mind set of the Shulamite must become ours, “I am dark, but lovely.” (SOS 1:5) Let me encourage you to do whatever it takes to care about being healthy (starting from the inside out) rather than perfect.

Let me also encourage you to do the best with what God has given you and thank Him daily for your life and health and strength. If you continually struggle with body image—be vulnerable enough to talk it out in a Coffee Talk Group, so that you can get to the roots of wrong, destructive thinking.

God wants all women to walk like a queen—and biblical queens aren’t concerned if they’re perfect enough.

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A Marriage After His Heart said...

I posted this on my blog today, thanks friend:)

Lylah Ledner said...

thanks so much ~ my dear friend. don't ya love those pics. that's ivana on her 3rd bd party....and my husband, her poppie is dancing with her over here: