Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Know . . .

. . . I know, I've been a bit absent from Simple Home Living lately.

The reality is - is that the fam and I are working hard over at the Cactus Road House/Farm making it home.

If you could see me now - I'm wearing (6th or 7th day in a row - and no it doesn't stink) these black pants and cute matching black top - with Ben Moore Linen White speckled all through it. No, I'm not starting a new fashion fad, just painting and loving every minute of it.

Moving, transitions, losses, changes, etc can be overwhelming. If we don't have the right attitude from the beginning, we'll loose some of life's most significant lessons and opportunities.

With this transition, I decided from the get go to be full of joy - in spite of speed bumps, altercations of time tables (mine not going how I want them to) and a longing to be settled (being between houses isn't the most delightful thing for a woman).

Making a decision to rejoice no matter what and always is a sign of someone growing up and becoming mature - and isn't that something we all need to do?

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