Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Pioneer Woman Cooks . . .

. . . was recently in my town and I thought it'd be fun to go see her at the Changing Hands Bookstore on her book tour for her new cookbook - The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country GirlThe Pioneer Woman Cooks.

Little did I know, but three-hundred plus other bloggers thought it'd be fun too.

In spite of the crowd, it was fun to see women carrying around their copies of Ree's new book.

I'm not too sure they thought it was fun as I tried to sneak in pictures of them holding their new books.

Needless to say, I didn't get to see her - but I could hear her and she sounds just as adorable as she writes on her blog - The Pioneer Woman.

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Debbie Petras said...

I wanted to go and even wrote the date on my calendar. But life gets in the way. :( I was amazed when I read about how many people came to see her and buy her book. I have tried many of her recipes that she posts on her blog.

Stephanie said...

Oh wow that is so neat! A room full of bloggers and the Pioneer Woman..close to heaven would you say? :)

Donna said...

I love Pioneer Woman...have already tried some of her great recipes!!!

6 Happy Hearts said...

Saw her in my hometown! She's actually from my home state & kicked off her tour in Tulsa. It was an awesome experience. I'll have to blog about it : )
Happy to see other women love her as much as we do here in Oklahoma!!

Dawn said...

I went with Jen (6HappyHearts). We had so much fun. We loved getting to meet her. She was so REAL and funny!

I did a post on my blog about it. You should read it. It's worth a good laugh. Ha!!

I love the pictures you took! =)