Monday, April 20, 2009

Lunch in a Box

Lately, I've been saying "Lunch in a Box" meaning that out in one of our garden "boxes" there is food to be harvested for lunch or dinner. I like thinking of it that way - and today, I harvested probably the last of my kale. Guess what I'm making for lunch? This - Tuscan Kale Salad and home made whole wheat bread.

I think it's all a state of mind what we call something, don't you?

Related Posts
1. Lunch in a Box - Eating Flowers
2. Dinner in a Box

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Julie said...

Hi Lylah! Where do you get your recipes? You seem to have one for almost anything. :)

Deborah Granick said...

What are your thoughts on building a chicken coop? When do you move them outside? I want to build somthing that is easy to clean and safe from wild animals....what are your thoughts?


Deborah Granick