Am I growing herbs? A BIG YES!
Taking a stroll down our garden's Princess Pathway, you'd find all sorts of vegetables and herbs for your Italian sauce, your soups, salad and any side dish.
We're growing butternut squash, pumpkins, snap peas, sugar peas, cabbage, broccoli, radishes, carrots, turnips, bell peppers, purple beans.
You could easily make a healthy organic salad from our different kinds of lettuce, arugula, spinach, kale or swiss chard. You could add some little slices from a few different kinds of (heirloom) tomatoes that are just beginning to become red.
There's not a day that goes by where one of the family members heads out to one of the garden boxes to snip a bit of arugula or butter leaf lettuce some dill or cilantro to make a salad with goat or feta cheese. We add cilantro to this crockpot soup and to our pinto beans (which I am learning to keep on hand for hungry grandkids)
After Becky and I chatted, I decided to take a few pictures of some of the herbs I'm growing: basil, chamomile, cilantro, chives, cumin, dill, French sorrel, garlic, lemon grass, sage, Greek oregano, different flavors of mint, parsley, rosemary, purple sage, English thyme, and a few others.
As a beginner gardener, I can't say enough about this wonderful experience -not only for Michael and I, but for our family. I heartily recommend anyone giving it a try. The benefits are rewarding

the basil looks awesome!!
Those sage pictures are making my mouth water!
I love your herbs and I love that you live somewhere where you can grow them now! Thank you so much for stopping by my log and leaving such wonderful words! :) Jen
Oh, your garden and all those beautiful herbs are just amazing... sigh. I wish my backyard wasn't covered in snow right now! :)
Your tuscan kale salad looked amazing, too! Yummy and healthy, a great combo.
Lots of love to you,
I'm longing for fresh from the garden veggies and herbs already. It will be awhile....
I've been thinking of starting some lettuce and herbs indoors....maybe after the holidays.
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