Sunday, November 30, 2008

homegrown - pure and simple

This past year, I've been drawn to and inspired by what is simple. The Simple Home and living daily life with purpose: learning to love deeply, making home a priority and the people that come in and out of my home are themes that pour from my heart as I seek to create sanctuary in the simple spaces around me.

It is God who is continually arresting and rescuing my restless heart to find it's true rest in Him and in His great love for me, He often points me to the things that are simple and have eternal meaning.

This book, homegrown - pure and simple is one that has deeply inspired my heart in this season of the pursuit of things simple. It was a gift from a dear gardening friend and in a simplistic way I find its pages drawing - with gardening encouragements and recipes that I must serve from my kitchen - those simple things where I know God continually points me to.

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