Monday, August 25, 2008

baby steps day 23 - margins and your season

Baby Steps series continues . . .

Margins are my elements of time and it's important for a woman to evaluate the season of life she is in along with determining how to best manage her margins. What might be working for me might not be an effective plan for another woman. The point is, is that we must pray, evaluate and set up some sort of a plan, try it on and if it needs adjusting then be comfortable to make necessary changes. Because Michael and I have a weekly Marriage Staff Meeting (on Mondays), he's aware of my margins.

Different women set up daily schedules and routines in different ways. As you ponder establishing your margins, these mom bloggers have some great ideas and one of them might work for you.

Lindsay can help with her Simple Home Schedule.

Laura has help with a Monthly Organizing Round Up.

Stephanie will encourage you with her Kitchen Re-Organization and her Scheduling Series as she shares her experience in wrestling through establishing her margins.

The Simple Mom has a ton of posts and series on Scheduling and Commitment.

Leo at Zen Habits gives his expertise on organization raising six kiddos.

Post a comment and add a link to your blog where you've posted what you do on your homefront! Do share!

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carrhop said...

I was just thinking about posting something on our routines (homeschooling 8 kids, ages 15 month old twins all the way up to an almost 18 year old taking college classes)--

I'll be sure to come back and give the link when I get it written up--

I'm excited to visit these other links and see what tips I pick up!

Anonymous said...

We are just starting our school routine this week. I agree, different things work for different people. I use a variety of things to stay organized, but am a fan of Motivated Moms and MOTH.

Lylah Ledner said...

thanks lovely ladies for posting some of what you do. please come back and give a link to your site!


Jill said...

Thank you Lyla for all the great helps on building an intentional sanctuary. These are some great links.

Lylah Ledner said...

hi jill...thanks for the comment and passing on your link! love the 'back to basics'

6 Happy Hearts said...

Thanks for the great links! I'll have to think about my "homefront" post!

Ronel said...

Thank you for the links!!