Tuesday, July 08, 2008

makin madras curry in basque country

Curry isn't particularly a favorite dish in Basque Country, but Jenni, the girls and I were invited to a lovely home in another community for - CURRY. It was sooooo good and the lovely hostess loaned us her cookbook - which I immediately found on Amazon (from someone in England) and ordered.

Three days ago I went to the meat market. I smiled and pointed and said, "No hablo Espaniol." I ordered 1 kilo of the rump. I figured that one out - how I won't say. The cost was . . . well - mucho.
Jenni and I and the girls proceeded making the most amazing curry. If you're a curry lover, then this one's for you!

If you're a regular reader of mine, you'll know that I'm a firm believer in teaching kids to work. I've had all of my grandkiddos in the kitchen - either making cupcakes, sweeping floors or scooping out squash. Today, it was Jillians turn to help. Here she is figuring out how to work the garlic press.
And here - I let her choose which side of the grater she wanted for the garlic. For some reason she chose the side that I'd NOT have chosen. She soon learned why.
Measuring the garlic - learning a little math along the way.

Yummmmmm! We served this over rice and we're STILL enjoying it. This SO Works for ME!

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ames said...

That looks delicious! I love curry, so heartwarming!

Aubrey said...

What cookbook did you use? Just curious. I'd love to know of good cookbooks with curry recipes. Thanks!