Monday, June 16, 2008

cookin' a little chinese

Last Monday, Michael and I, and our friend Linda along with two of our grandkiddos were invited to Jing and HuiYang's home to make Chinese dumplings. Yum.
We made Chinese dumplings and we built bridges. What a combo

Ivana's game at trying. Hey, it's like playing with play doh!

Jing shows Ivana and Linda the trick to making pretty looking dumplings, filled with Linda's favorite foods - shrimp and pork!

At one point I had to ask Linda to please stop smacking her lips!

Yeah, Ivana's getting the hang of it. What fun for a three and half year old!

You pat the meat mixture into the circle, wet the outside of the dough and the fold it in half - pinching the edges.

Oh, No! Ivana - Don't eat that! It's NOT cooked yet. I won't post what she did with the raw dumpling!

My turn.

Great girl talk in the mean time. Meeting new friends too.

The lovely hostess boiling - twice boiling these Chineese favorites.

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