Friday, December 21, 2007

Making Aprons - Day Three

Yesterday, I really had fun working
on my apron project - gifts for five
women (2 big and 3 little) in my life.

Day two was spent with Ivana's help.

At one point, she actually ripped off my pattern from the fabric and tossed it away. She was actually being helpful, as she'd seen me throw away the unused pieces
and put them in the fire. I'm sooooo thankful that it only got tossed on the floor.

Making aprons is awfully fun. I'm getting a
little more confident in putting colors
together. I actually asked Michael if it
looked hip . . . he gave his sweet opinions and
gave me a vote of confidence.

I am impressed with the work it takes to make
aprons by those who do this for a living. And, I have
to say, as I've looked at MANY aprons, I'm very
impressed with Marie's Studio.

Today, is day four. I'll have more photos tommorrow.

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Unknown said...

I'm impressed that you can actually make aprons. Pillows is all i can do at the moment but i'm learning!!