Friday, December 18, 2009

The Ways of God . . .

. . . are not ours nor are His thoughts ours . . . they are higher . . . and sometimes we can get stuck when we try to over-think or what a friend once said "double-think" what it is that He's doing - especially when we feel wounded by a friend's choice.

In this season of sweet reflection . . . learn the art of disengaging and coming away from the tension of double-thinking and just be still in His presence . . . knowing He's working in and through the situation you are facing.

Perhaps are He's digging up and exposing some roots that need to be addressed - maybe in your life - maybe in another's life.

Be still. Get simple. Refocus. Allow those roots to be uprooted. He loves you and is for you and will see the situation to the end and work in ways you can't presently see.

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Donna said...

Thank you for this reminder today...our friends are loosing their precious 7 year old boy after a rare stroke...we have been praying for a miracle all week, but it looks as though God has other plans...I cannot understand those plans, but I do know that He is working that plan out, even in the midst of tragedy!

Anonymous said...

I love this post,Lylah! The opening scripture reminded me of the song "Give Ear And Come TO Me". As I'm going through my own struggles as of late your words are perfect in timing and the Lord is using them in my life.
Thank you for sharing them.BTW,we moved back to WA and had a new baby.His name is Felix.That makes three kiddos now.


Debbie Petras said...

Lylah, I needed to hear the words you wrote:
"He loves you and is for you and will see the situation to the end and work in ways you can't presently see."
Sometimes in the midst of uncertainty, we need to be reminded. Thank you for reminding me.
