Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sometimes Life . . .

. . . .feels wild and chaotic . . . and when it does . . . what matters most is how we respond to it.

I have learned that I can either react to the moment and miss the point of it . . . or respond grabbing His hand coming under the umbrella of truth that He is love and He is good and that He is working out all things for my good and His glory.

In this season of celebration, I know that there are many who are lonely, full of fear, depressed and discouraged - perhaps that's you or perhaps you know of someone who is in that place. If so, don't despair for He's working a work that no one can unwork. He's not finished yet there's only a comma - not a period to your situation.

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Donna said...

Thanks Lylah :)

Karlene said...

Great post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I needed to hear that this time isn't ending with a period, but with a comma. This too shall pass...a good reminder.