Wednesday, November 04, 2009


We're all on a walk of faith - some might not think so - but this life requires that we have faith to cross bridges, take steps, see light in dark places.

In a previous post, I shared about an experience back in 1993 where I learned that often my God is an 11th hour, 59 minute, 59 second kind of God.

The other day my husband said, " I'd rather fail at faith than succeed (in the worlds eyes) with no faith."

I'm thinking that someone might just need to be encouraged by this today.

I'm off to paint and work at the Cactus Road Farm today.

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Mary said...


Hope your painting is successful!

Anonymous said...


Your post today brought tears to my eyes. I have been asking God to help me to have faith.
Thank you for allowing God to use you.

Lylah Ledner said...

Well sweet women....I'm sure delighted that I could be used today to hit a heart chord.
