Sunday, October 18, 2009

COTE DE TEXAS: A Reader’s House

Joni is just about my favorite design blog. I LOVE to drink coffee and peruse and dream my way through Cote de Texas. She never lacks for ideas and pictures galore.

Here, she writes, " Many times in the emails I receive, there will be pictures of readers houses – usually fresh from moving in, or a recent remodeling. Rather than keep the pictures all to myself, I have decided to share them with you in an ongoing series called Readers Houses. Some of the houses are small and . . .



For some reason, today, I've fallen in love with white - all over again.

Have a wonderful Sunday! xoxo

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Donna said...

I dream of an all white kitchen too!!! Love this!

cotedetexas said...

Lylah - thank you so much for this! You are sooo sweet! Isn't this kitchen divine????? that stove!

thank you again so very much!!