Monday, February 16, 2009

Cooking in Lylah's Kitchen

I love to cook and I thought it would be fun to have a few younger moms over and cook dinner together. So, today, I invited BreAnna, Molly and daughter Candace to join me in the kitchen for some good ole' fashion home town cookin'. And, they did. Comfort food was on my mind and therefore we chopped, diced, chased children, stirred, whisked, rolled, cut, laughed and baked Creamy Chicken Potpie with Rosemary Crust for tonight's dinner.

All three moms have baby boys. Each one is about eight weeks a part with Molly's little fellow due any time.
I found these small casserole dishes just perfect to make individual portions that freeze well. It's easy to pop one out of the freezer and then re-bake it to heat it up.

For some reason, the crust and I weren't getting along - I did re-do this one.
This is BreAnna's creative touch. Is this NOT creative?

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