Tuesday, September 30, 2008

men: crisis of the soul - porn and anger

Years ago I attend a leadership conference where pastor's wives were invited to hear HB London (Dr. James Dobson's cousin). It was there I heard about the statistics of pastors (spiritual leaders) who drop off like flies. At that point (about ten years ago) not only did 900 pastors quit each month but of those that called Focus on the Family for help - close to 50% struggled with issue of pornography.

My husband says that there's a tragic crisis in the soul of men.

Today's man (not all, but many) isn't centered. He doesn't know who he is, what he's here for and where he's going. When a man doesn't know who he is, what he's here for and where he's going - he'll operate in those things that give a momentary sense of control and power - and pornography is one of those things he'll revert to. A must read is Cory's new post - Are You a Porn Addict. Michael and I appreciate Cory - blogger of A Good Husband because he 'tells it like it is.'

Another must read is my series on Understanding Men which starts here. This post addresses anger and pornography.

In our fatherless America, men lack the model and thus the internal masculine soul cries out, "Will someone - a man - show me the way and tell me who I am?"

My husband is....and it's men that heal in the company of men.

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Deb Burton said...

Interesting. Will check these sites out. Curious if these statistics held true in 19th/early 20th century (the attrition rate, anyway)or if it's a byproduct of modern feminism and the sexual revolution started in the 60s.