Saturday, November 17, 2007

My "Deal" With Tom

I always love to share my "deal."

Today, I bought Tom. OK, I don't love Tom's price - but what I do love is the fact that he's not soy fed, is free range and fresh.

I did find the BEST Phoenix Valley price I could find for what I was looking for - organic - free range, fresh and non soy fed turkey. A whopping $1.27 a pound.

Why you ask? As I've aged and researched the realities of the "food" I'd always cooked and what it was doing in me, my husband and my family - I cringed.

All the years of eating boxes and chemicals (sorry, I know those are strong statements) have taken a toll on me physically. The food coloring, the msg, the hydrogenated oils, the pesticides, the soy fed stuff, etc. eventually catch up with us. Our bodies really don't know what to do with that stuff.

Today, it's a passion to somehow communicate to home builders - to evaluate what you're feeding your family. Please, evaluate. Read the labels. Ask older moms what they think. Ask them what they've learned. It's my thinking that if all you can afford is organic beans and rice then great - make beans and rice, but learn to be creative in the process.

One of the studies I'd done was on soy. We do tend to be an estrogen dominate culture. If you want to know what I here. . .

A BIG Thanks to Money Saving Mom, Crystal Paine, for extending the invitations and education that she does. Her mom's gotta be proud!

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