Saturday, February 06, 2010

Vintage at Cactus Road Farm

Our intent has been to plow the ground around the Cactus Road Farm for our organic gardens. However as priorities would have it - my vintage Garden Shed/Goat Barn/Fun Kid Loft Place is first priority.

So, as I'm patiently learning to wait - wait some more and smile and wait some more, I've gotten creative. It's amazing what a good attitude will spurt out of a feminine soul - creativity.

We've had a few pallets sitting around and I got the brilliant (if I say so myself) idea of cutting them in half, nailing them together, filling in blank spots with wood and creating some vintage looking garden boxes. I made the first one above and then decided I'd add another one to it.

Creating sanctuary outside in spaces and places is just as important to me as creating it inside. Here, I'm in process of creating by planting some purple beans, sweet sugar snap peas, turnips and these lovely Senetitis - which by the way are perennials.

May your Sabbath be restful.

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Debbie Petras said...

Lylah, I love this and I love your heart. May the Lord bless your Cactus Farm. And have a restful Sabbath.

Sending hugs your way,

Donna said...

We are still FREEZING over here in TN...looking forward to some warmer weather and starting our garden!!!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

The purple is so lovely! I cannot wait to be able to plant something!!


xo :-)