Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Is Where The Heart Is

This move from house to home has resurrected a few old fashioned words to my vocab - words like hustling and bustling, but in the midst of hustle and bustle I've deliberately purpose for time to ponder and pause the little and big lives, and His goodness that surrounds me.

In spite of a few speed bumps this past month, I've never been more excited and hopeful in what God is (and will) doing in and through me, my husband, our family, the community of faith I belong to and this home and property - at the Cactus Road House.

Timing is everything in God's economy and when we try to rush things or do it our way - chances are we'll botch it up. You don't want to abort the mission of God by speaking too soon about a thing or by trying to force what you sense God's up to.

I remember quite vividly six years ago while standing at my kitchen counter my pastor husband told me he felt that we would be back - living at the Cactus Road house. I laughed, said, "never" and walked away. There's this woman in the Old Testament who did the same thing.

About three years ago, our daughter Jennie expressed some random thoughts and this one sticks in my mind very clearly - "Dad and Mom, I think you need to live at the Cactus Road House."
Today, I am living back in this house (where I once lived some twelve years ago) and for some strange reasons I feel as if "I've come home." My heart is here and I'm home. In this space, I am and will continue to create sanctuary.

It's am important truth for us women - where ever our heart is - home will be. If our hearts are discontent and always wandering to the next thing - home won't ever really be found. Our hearts will be restless until they find their true rest in Him.

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Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Well from the little peeks it looks lovely! So you lived there before? I'm a little confused on the details but I hope you'll reveal ALL soon! :-)

Many blessings in your new sanctuary!
