Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Simple Home - Table Touches by Nora Fleming

Because I love to open the doors of my home and serve, I've been evaluating my serving dishes and have come to the conclusion that I'd be less frantic trying to mix and match this or that with my dishes of many colors - that it'd be a good choice to slowly begin to acquire more white serving dishes. I just got a new piece from my friend Nora. I love her white dishes and am eyeing this one (below) next for cupcakes that Zane and I Make. But, anyway, today received my two little color touches. And, I'm so stink'n excited.

Because I love to open the doors of my home and serve, I've been evaluating my serving dishes and have come to the conclusion that I'd be less frantic trying to mix and match this or that will my dishes of many colors - that it'd be a good choice to slowly begin to acquire more white serving dishes. I just got a new piece from my friend Nora. And I also received my two little color touches. And, I'm so stink'n excited.

I'm thinking . . . thinking. . . about having an Easter brunch (Easter can be crazy for a Pastor's wife - so that's why I'm thinking - you have to think first and then plan) and guess what will be on my buffet table - should my thinking move to planning and executing? Yup. This dish. Go check out Nora's other fun stuff and while you're at it...she invites you in to take a tour of her home!

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Girl Raised in the South said...

I just found your blog through Laura, Org Junkie, and am really enjoying it. I'll be back!