Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Today is the day we celebrate the Gift of Life.

Jesus, born of a virgin, God the Son, became flesh for me. Through His life and by His death and in the power of His resurrection, I am brought near, so that I may see God.

The greatest act of Love that God could give - for me and for you. Today, I am so grateful for such love.

Our family celebration was spent a day earlier. Yesterday, was "Christmas" with the grandkiddos. We truly enjoyed their delightful squeals as they opened their little presents: Pet Shops, Game Boy, new underwear, chapstick, and a warm woolly jacket from us.

Our family has gone frugal and practical this year. It feels good. It feels right. Why spend so much money on gifts for children that will eventually becoming garage sale items or throw aways? Meaningful, purposeful, frugal and practical are my new motto's.

We shared our Christmas Eve early dinner with four of my favorite girls from India: Ambika, Vidya, Sowmya and Bindu. (I'll post pictures as soon as I can). We were blessed to meet two of their friends, now our friends: Venay and Shri. I made my Autumn Harvest Soup, Anita's lentil soup, but added small pieces of carrots, jalopenos, curry and some tumeric. We (the girls and I) made Basmati rice. I was thrilled that the lentil soup which became more stew-ish reminded the girls of home. Smile...

After our meal together, we left for DSC and our traditional candelight service - to remember what this life is all about anyway. Candelight in the garage of our "church" is always quaint. Anita and her son, Nathan, made it so with the fire pit in the court yard and the yummy hot apple cider. The gathering time afterwards is always so wonderful.
Today, will be somewhat of a quiet day for us. Michael's taken Mark and Candace and grandkiddos to the airport. They're heading up to Portland to celebrate and be with Mark's family and their friends.

If Zane and Ivana didn't look so cute. I wish I'd have thought about taking a picture. Candace left them to fly in their Christmas jammies. Adorable.

What will we do? Veg. Be together. Give thanks. Drink coffee (oh, I've got in my mind to post a "how to make REAL GOOD French Press" with pictures.
We'll read. I'm still trying to finish Infidel, and Michael's anxious to get started on the two new books he got. One is from Mark - The Case for the Real Jesus and the other from Mitch - What's So Great About Christianity.

Besides reading, drinking coffee, talking about life and our life, we're thinking about taking in a few movies. Our friend Joel is the Netflicks King. and is the process of compiling a list of must sees. Joel mentions this blog called The Search.

Joel writes, Christian movie critic Brett McCracken. Brett shared an awesome post on the most defining films of the 2000s (so far, since it's only 2007 and we've got a couple more years worth of film-making!). I appreciated the word defining, as opposed to favorite or best. These are films that will be remembered as influential or definitive of the 2000s, not simply the coolest or most popular. Looks like it's worthy to check out.

Not to rush this day, I love to look forward to all God has for us. For those of you having a New Year's Gathering, I took a few minutes this morning (while Michael was at the airport) to post some party appetizers: Mexican Quiche Squares, Some Fun Fondues, or Stuffed Mushrooms (with cream cheese!)

Have a great day - our French Press timer is beeping!

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