Sunday, February 24, 2008

Staying Un-Cluttered for February

I originally posted this in the beginning of the year....thought it'd be good to share - along with what other women are doing.
In spite of being a very random person, I love to be organized. If I'm organized and clutter free, I find that I have more energy, time with friends and are those creative ideas of mine don't fly out into the deep dark blue. I also gave attention to our master bedroom, because I live by the Simple Home principles.

I actually started getting organized a few weeks ago. And, today, I'm entering into a serious de-clutter drive where simplicity, elimination, and concentration are my organizational mantras.

Both of my daughters have both been influential in my life where it comes to getting rid of the stuff. I attribute their encouragement to my NEW MOTTO:

Keep it Simple!
Go Green Get Clean


If I'm going to live as an on-purpose woman, create sanctuary in my home, being a good steward of what I've been given (managing it well, not stock piling it), then I've got to minimize and eliminate on a regular basis - so that I can concentrate - concentrate on what's important in life - people.

Organization is a process and it's one that I must continually revisit. In light of that I thought I'd start posting what I'm doing to get organized and remain true to my MOTTO.

Today, I pretended that I was the energizer bunny and put away our very minimal Christmas decorations, and after bringing order to my kitchen, I moved to our Master Bedroom. Isn't that the space that tends to get the overflow of junk and stuff? Lately, mine has, so I started there. Knowing that my kitchen and our master bedroom are de-cluttered and ordered gives me peace of mind an energy to move to the next space that needs attention.

To get organized, I first step up my Three Organizing Bags: Give Away, Put Away, Recycle. This time, I did NOT have a garbage bag, just the three. I kept my bags in the kitchen and walked back and forth (the little walking trip to the kitchen helped me have a quick minute to think about which bag the item was going into).

I began with de-cluttering closets: minimizing and eliminating and then reorganizing. I actually have been investing in wooden hangars replacing the wire and plastic ones. Clothes hang better and the closet looks neater. I also put shirts with shirts (by color) and pants with pants and faced everything in the same direction.

The rule is: if it's not something you need, you haven't work within the past 6 months to a year) then it needs to be eliminated. Often guilt of how much we've spent on something is our rational as to why it's still in the closet. If I'm in question if something stays or goes, then I give it a value of 1 - 10. Only a ten stays in the closet. I like to think that there is someone else who can use this more than I can.
What do you think?

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lindsay edmonds said...

Thanks for the encouragement to get organized. I am motivated to use this next week to organize a few key areas in my home for the new year. Keep me going!

Blessings to such a wonderful woman!


Lylah Ledner said...

Thanks Lindsay! feeling un-cluttered is like a new lease on life. And. . . thanks for the post you did on Azure on your new lovely blog - It's going to HELP ME!


Unknown said...

I'm the same way. My husband on the other hand keeps everything. And it drives him crazy that I don't keep clothes i haven't worn in a year or things i haven't used. I don't throw them away though. I give them to a family who needs them.

Anonymous said...


I too recently did a declutter of my Master Bedroom - it should be a sanctuary not a storage room! My rule for my closet is -"When something new comes in - something else must go out." I have a revolving bag of clothes for Goodwill as a result (I do love new clothes!)

Mrs. Taft said...

It looks like we may be moving in the next month, so this is especially timely for me!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! This is what I need to do more of, even though I just did it last spring. I need to be more brutal than I was before! Thanks for the reminder!