Thursday, October 04, 2007

a man who shepherds through his music

from my pastor husband. . .
If you'd like to hear the songs on his new CD, click here:

The greatest show in the universe takes place right here on earth; it’s happening exclusively with those of the new birth. The angels are intrigued & watch with awe from heav’n above when one frail human rises up with faith, which works through love . . .

And God Himself, The Source of Love, sits back – enjoys the show of courage and compassion pure, just like His Son, you know, when He preformed that greatest Act His
Father’s so proud of & now the spotlight shifts to us: our faith which works through love . . .

You are a star, designed to shine this glory, and as you do He’s writing His love story --- through you --

He’s not impressed with fancy speech, (the Maker of the tongue), the things man holds in high esteem He counts them all but dung; there’s really only one great feat the Father takes note of: it’s when His son or daughter moves in faith which works through love . . .

The demons only laugh at all man’s "greatness" - But watch them flee when humble humans love in weakness...

The greatest show in the universe takes place right here on earth…
©2007 Michael J. Ledner; words and music by Michael J. Ledner Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 3:10,11; 1 Peter 1:12

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